Mount Shasta Page - Full of web links Mount Shasta is a 14,141 foot stratovolcano situated near the north end of California. It has bee'n sacred to native Americans for millennia and has been a center for spiritual growth amongst non-native since the late 1800s. Early popular writings on the mountain are found in works by John Muir and Joachin Miller. Early metaphysical writings on Mount Shasta are found in the books: "A Dweller on Two Planets" by Phylos the Tibetan aka Fredrick Spencer Oliver and "Unveiled Mysteries" by Godfree Ray King aka Guy W. Ballard. In the 30 years that I have lived at the base of this majestic mountain, the community of Mount Shasta has been graced with both visionary artists and musicians. Some Mount Shasta expatriates include Aeoliah, Rodney Birkett and Gilbert Williams who painted the cover of When Angels Dream and When Angels Dream II. Present artists include Cheryl Yambrach Rose. Erik Berglund, Gary Cooper, Kathy Zavada, Carolyn Hedger and myself (Anton Mizerak) comprise the year-round resident musicians. Matisha, and Sarah West are some of the part time resident musicians. Mount Shasta has two excellent bookstores: Golden Bough and Village Books (which sells my CDs online and takes credit cards). A half hour northwest of town is an excellent mineral springs and retreat center: Stewart Springs. Mount Shasta hosts many wonderful events, a Wesak gathering on the full moon weekend in the astrological sign of Taurus. Wesak is the Pali form of the Sanskrit word for Vaishaka. The month of Taurus.. Wesak 2006 will celebrated here in Mount Shasta hosted by Dawn Fazende. Charlie Thom is a fifth generation Karuk medicine man who performs native sweats on Mount Shasta annually just below lower Panther Meadows. His sweats are generally the last weekend in July.
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